Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Q: What do you get

when you cross Anthony Ainley and a root vegetable?

A: This.

Seriously, you guys! "Radish" really does come from the Latin "radix", so CLEARLY a pun on "the root of all evil" needed to be made! I'm just doing my duty as an English/Classics major!

...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Monday, April 14, 2008

We Are Living in an Age of Marvels

Technology is truly amazing, no? A show airs in London on saturday night, and thanks to the wonders of the International Date Line and internet video hosting, I can watch it a few hours later! Afterwards, I can read discussion and reaction posts from fans all over the globe who have done likewise. Such is the nature of the World Wide Web.

But I'm not here to talk about that. No, internet TV and its dubious legality pale in comparison to what else this modern age has produced. Millenia of human achievements have brought us to this point. That's right:

Virtual Bubble Wrap.