Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Cartooning for the Lazy

Um. So I drew a comic, but I was too lazy to ink it, so I just went over the pencil quickly in MS Paint. Consequently, it looks crappy. Also, it makes no sense. Even *I* don't get it. All you need to know is that (a) it's a conversation between my 19-year-old self and my 9-year old self and (b) that Meeps and Z-boy were cats, and that the former died of cancer when I was in third grade, and the latter of old age five years later. Make of it what you will.


Nathaniel Cornstalk said...


Anonymous said...

Woopsie. I hadn't checked this for a while.

Okay, I love this. It made me kind of sad, but I loved it. Hehe, the short bangs are kind of making me laugh. I like how you were so detailed with the computer screen!