Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Magic of Charcoal

"Take this arm. I do not want it."

Seriously, I don't know what the crap this is supposed to be. I can't even figure out if it's a man or a woman who's disgruntledly shoving a giant arm at the viewer. But aren't charcoals fun? I can just scribble some random stuff, smudge it a bit, and suddenly it looks all cool and artsy! So yeah, I'll probably be messing around with it some more. I've mastered the most important step, which is to wash my hands before reaching up to adjust my glasses. Black smudges do nothing for my complexion.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I decide to go shoe-shopping. At Goodwill.

I know what I'm looking for: leather, minimal heel, dressy enough to wear with skirts, ideally tan or a similarly neutral color.

I am not here to buy clothes, but I can't resist looking around. I talk myself out of red corduroy pants, a polyester blouse, several garish sweaters, and a set of Anastasia juice glasses.

I find the shoes. There are several promising-looking pairs, which I try on. Curses. Why do old ladies have to have such small feet? I find a suitable pair in more-or-less my size. They fit. I mentally class them as irredeemably old-ladyish.

I buy them anyway.

Justification: they will only look like old-lady shoes if I wear them with old-lady clothes. As long as I dress like a young, hip fashion maven (instead of the batty old cat lady trapped in the body of a college student that I actually am), people will assume that they are Vintage Footwear. No one will suspect that they are actually old-lady shoes from Goodwill! ...right?


Saturday, October 20, 2007

I did this a while back, but forgot that I hadn't posted it yet. I have no idea what it's supposed to be. In other news, I picked up two issues of Sandman and the latest Pratchett novel at the library today, so I'm pretty much set for the evening.

In other, other news, JKR outed Dumbledore and the internet exploded. I am observing from my shadowy corner of lurkdom, and I have to say my favorite reaction by far was, "Oh goody, now we can wear our Hogwarts costumes to the Pride parade!"

Friday, October 19, 2007

Friday Fluffblogging

Me: Xena, my life has no direction!
Xena: purr purr purr
Me: I am a bark adrift on a vast ocean of confuzzlement!
Xena: purr purr purr
Me: I have Teen Angst!
Xena: purr purr purr
Me: Xena, your wisdom is unparalleled--tell me, what must I do to cure this malaise?
Xena: *washes ears* purr purr purr....
--excerpt from an old Xanga entry
You know, I kind of miss blogging. I mean, I technically still do it, what with the doodleblog and all, but it's not the same as sitting down at the keyboard and going, "LET ME TELL YOU, INTERNETS!!1!" about whatever random crap I feel like blathering on about. The thing is, I am a very private person with a very boring life, which leaves me with nothing much to talk about besides my cats and the weather and whatever my Obsession du Jour is. All these things have the potential to be interesting for maybe thirty seconds before the reader thinks, "Gah! The boring! It melts my brain!" and goes off to check out Stuff On My Cat. And despite my misgivings and much evidence to the contrary, I like to think that the doodleblog does not fall under the category of Brainmeltingly Boring, but is, in fact, mildly interesting. So I post doodles, and keep my cat stories and rants and fannish squee to myself. But darnit, sometimes I want to talk about boring things. And it's not like I have an enormous fanbase to satisfy (*waves to readers, all three of you*). So henceforth, Friday shall be Fluff Day, and there will be catblogging and linkblogging and doubtless some shameless fangirling as well. Fiat fluff!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Some Doodleness

This is the last week before I head home for fall break, so naturally I've been spending it watching Doctor Who, writing, and doodling. Here's a page from my sketchbook that I filled during the episode with the plant-monster in Antarctica, not that it has anything to do with that.
I've got some actual comicky-type stuff in the works if I ever get around to finishing it, including--yes--the Curtain Emergency.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Burdens of Adulthood

It was a depressing realization indeed, but I made up for it by getting a bunch of comics from the library.