Sunday, December 30, 2007

So Much for Sleep

Fluffiness covers a multitude of sins, but really, this is pushing the limit. My terrible, horrible kitten has discovered that she can push my bedroom door open with her nose. When I tried to kick her out for the fifth time in as many minutes, she bit me. Now she's sprawled at the foot of the bed, nibbling my toes.


Nathaniel Cornstalk said...

Is she still the best kitten of 2007?

Kylie said...

No. I'm nominating her for Worst Kitten.

Nathaniel Cornstalk said...

If she wins both, that would imply she was the only kitten in the whole year.

K. said...

she is not YOUR kitten. She is my terrible, horrible kitten. I nominate Kylie for worst kitten of 2007.