Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I have this thing that happens when I watch too much British television where my internal monologue acquires a British accent. This is a bit maddening because I keep wanting to say things like "bloody" and "nutter" but I can't because I'm American and would sound daft ("daft" is also on the list).

Anyhow, this sad state of affairs has come about because I have shiny new Obsession of the Month. Actually, more like two. Or possibly three...

First, Doctor Who. I mean, how could I resist a show where the title character travels through time and space in a blue police box? I watched a few episodes, my eyes were opened, and I asked, "where have you been all my life?" I flew through the New Series, and now I'm doing my best to catch up on forty-odd years of the old-school stuff. I went from "um, wasn't that the one with the guy in the scarf?" to being able to rattle off all ten doctors and a wealth of obscure trivia. This fandom has eaten my brain.

Second, Torchwood. This is a Doctor Who spinoff, shares a few characters (Martha Jones ftw!), and takes place in the same universe (whoniverse?). It's sort of CSI Cardiff meets Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and is supposed to be a sort of "Doctor Who for grown-ups". That basically means that there's cussing and everyone hooks up with everyone else (seriously, I am not exaggerating. It's like watching fanfiction). It's great fun.

Third, Life on Mars. This is unlike the other two in that it isn't really a proper obsession (yet, anyhow) and it's the sort of thing I mentally class as "Sci-fi for people who don't like sci-fi". The premise hinges on time travel: a police investigator is hit by a car in 2006 and wakes up in 1973. But even though that's a crucial plot point, LoM isn't really a show about time travel. It's a well-crafted, subtle, beautiful, trippy story in 16 episodes. Seriously, I cannot recommend this show enough.

Okay, now that I've satisfied the "my fandoms, let me show you them!" urge, I'm going to shut up and do some homework. Or finish watching Life on Mars.

...As a rather tangential and irrelevant sidenote, I kind of had a hard time watching the first few episodes of LoM because the only other role I'd seen John Simm in was the Master in Doctor Who. That kind of imprinted itself on my brain, and consequently I kept expecting Sam Tyler to turn into an evil psychopathic Time Lord. It was a bit disconcerting.

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