Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Blog Post of Rassilon

By rights I should be home on spring break right now, in Maryland, where March is actually considered one of the spring months. But for what are no doubt deep and inscrutable reasons of her own, Mother Nature decided to dump fourteen inches of snow on NE Ohio. Long story short, my flight got cancelled and I'm essentially snowed into my dorm room until at least tomorrow afternoon. But I have a computer with an internet connection, so I've spent the last day-and-a-half amusing myself by reading vast reams of fanfic and watching British tv shows on the internet. Hopefully the weather will clear up soon so I can go home and do the same thing, only with regular meals.

Okay, so this is the part where I start wittering incoherently about Doctor Who like the pathetic fangeek that I am, and you nod politely and hit the "back" button because you have no idea what I'm going on about. Consider yourself warned.

So...I watched "The Five Doctors" today, and it is kind of the best thing ever. In a completely cracktastic, whovian, Oh My God Are You Serious sort of way, of course. Among the factors contributing to its awesomeness:

--spinny floating triangle of Death! (or temporal displacement)

--Gallifrey! Which totally does not look like a quarry at all! And silly time lord hats!

--Tegan! Turlough! Sarah Jane! The Brig! The Master! Daleks! Cybermen! Everybody who has ever been in Doctor Who ever! It's great!

--"He's my best enemy". OMG EXACTLY.

--The Master being all, "You won't let me help you, fine, I will KEEL YOU ALL!" Definitely nowhere near the level of batshit he reaches in the s3 finale (no rocking out to the Scissor Sisters, just lots of smirking and some manaical laughter), but there's definitely a screw loose somewhere. Though to be fair, the same could be said of the Doctor.

--The Master being all, "Mwahaha, fools!" and then getting pwned by the Brigadier. Hah.

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