Saturday, October 18, 2008

I Aten't Dead. No, Seriously.

Well, that took longer than anticipated. I meant to start posting again as soon as I replaced the batteries in my camera, but in my usual procrastinatory fashion, I've only just now gotten around to it. So, without further ado, here are a couple of doodles for your perusal:

This here is a very strange Wolverine. He appears to have lost a fight with Picasso, or possibly Dali. As you might expect, he is not too pleased about this, and is taking out his bestial rage on my math notes.

This is how they got babies back in the days of Queen Victoria. Ladies would just be sitting around, thinking pious thoughts, when --POOF! Baby! This is the sort of thing I learn in my Charlotte Bronte class.

Anyway, I have no idea if anyone even reads this anymore, but I hope to get back into posting doodles at something resembling regular intervals. They will doubtless be interspersed with Cat Stories and fangirling, but I beg my readers' indulgence...


Nathaniel Cornstalk said...

Random baby!

Anonymous said...

AHAHAHAHA, the baby thing cracked me up!