Wednesday, May 2, 2007

I Ate'nt Dead...

...just kind of busy. And I haven't really produced anything blog-worthy in the doodle department, but I figure I ought to put something up here, this being after all a Doodle Blog. Speaking of which, I have a question for my readership (all three of you): quality or quantity? Would you rather have sporadic, infrequent updates of fully-inked-and-maybe-colored cartoons, or bi-weekly (something like that) doodlements of varying quality and exciting-ness?
I have no idea where any of this came from. None. Let's see...we've got a sort of double rat, a gator dog, a golem, and a man who apparently contracted the chicken pox before being dumped in a peat bog. Also, it amuses me that all you can see of my notes for twentieth-century African history are "legit pharaoh", "barbarian strength", and "queen of Ethiopia".


Kylie said...

...oh, wait. Those aren't my African History notes, they're from Ancient Novels! That makes so much more sense...

Anonymous said...

LOL. Loving the chicken pox one.

Hmm...quantity. Because, to me, they're all highly amusing.