Friday, October 19, 2007

Friday Fluffblogging

Me: Xena, my life has no direction!
Xena: purr purr purr
Me: I am a bark adrift on a vast ocean of confuzzlement!
Xena: purr purr purr
Me: I have Teen Angst!
Xena: purr purr purr
Me: Xena, your wisdom is unparalleled--tell me, what must I do to cure this malaise?
Xena: *washes ears* purr purr purr....
--excerpt from an old Xanga entry
You know, I kind of miss blogging. I mean, I technically still do it, what with the doodleblog and all, but it's not the same as sitting down at the keyboard and going, "LET ME TELL YOU, INTERNETS!!1!" about whatever random crap I feel like blathering on about. The thing is, I am a very private person with a very boring life, which leaves me with nothing much to talk about besides my cats and the weather and whatever my Obsession du Jour is. All these things have the potential to be interesting for maybe thirty seconds before the reader thinks, "Gah! The boring! It melts my brain!" and goes off to check out Stuff On My Cat. And despite my misgivings and much evidence to the contrary, I like to think that the doodleblog does not fall under the category of Brainmeltingly Boring, but is, in fact, mildly interesting. So I post doodles, and keep my cat stories and rants and fannish squee to myself. But darnit, sometimes I want to talk about boring things. And it's not like I have an enormous fanbase to satisfy (*waves to readers, all three of you*). So henceforth, Friday shall be Fluff Day, and there will be catblogging and linkblogging and doubtless some shameless fangirling as well. Fiat fluff!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the word "confuzzled!"

You made me laugh about four times in that paragraph, so it can't be that bad!

Ah...I, too, am a very private person. OooOOooo...does Heidi live multiple lives?

I'm being weird; I need to go to bed.