Saturday, March 1, 2008

Some Proper Doodles, Finally

At long last, I got around to replacing the batteries in my camera. So tonight, I present you with an exciting tour of my Religions spiral!

First, there's a strange creature that appears to have escaped from the Book of Kells to lurk in my margins:

Then there's the creepy gas mask kid from Doctor Who...

And in case that wasn't nerdy enough, here's a cartoon that only makes sense if you're familiar with both season 3 of Doctor Who and Plautus' Amphytryon: Jupiter's cover is blown by a Judoon platoon.

I have no idea what prompted me to draw a pair of Antebellum fauns, but there you have it...

To conclude, here's another margin-lurking beastie:


Anonymous said...

Wowowowow. Even though I'm totally creeped out by the majority of these, they are so cool. That last one impresses me as much as it scares me.

Nathaniel Cornstalk said...

I like the Jupiter/Judoon picture. Also that creature looks like a demonic version of Mercury the cat from "Festus and Mercury".